SIMRA gathered examples of Social Innovations in agriculture, forestry and rural development in rural areas across Europe and non-European Mediterranean regions. The database below describes in brief selected examples, showing the diversity of SIs and some of their key characteristics. The full dataset is available at the SIMRA Catalogue of Social Innovation Diversity in Rural Areas archived in the Zenodo repository.
Other databases with examples of social innovation in rural areas:

This database is work-in-progress and will be progressively updated
| Name |
| Udny Community Trust Community Wind Turbine |
| Land Sharing for food and social good |
| Apadrina un Olivo (Adopt an olive tree) |
| Montes de Socios (Membership Forests): recovering the ancient history of pro-indivisive forests |
| Local Food for Local People |
| Integra Todos - Costurizate |
| Adotta un terrazzamento |
| BioSzentandrás |
| Rise Hub |
| GrowBiz |
| Tiree Film Club |
| Dagnja(Veteran fishery cooperative (Braniteljsko ribarska zadruga) |
| Projecto Querença |
| Cooperative Biopenyagolosa |
| Baba Residence |
| Libera Terra |
| Masar Ibrahim Al-Khalil |
| Team Karwendel |
| Integrated Ecosystemic value-enhancement of the Guadeloupe Forest Agrobiodiversity (VALAB) |
| Learning-growing-living with women farmers |
| Carbon smart forestry |
| Gela Ochsenherz |
| HAWARU Hof-Solidarische Landwirtschaft |
| Terres de Liens |
| Les Centrales Villageoises |
| MY Place Midleton |
| Pro Ratatouille Project |
| Carbon smart forestry in self-organized forest commons regime |
| Revitalising plans for UNESCO Vlkolinec site |
| Biohof Mogg (Community Supported Agriculture) |
| Green Care Österreich |
| Heat Smart Orkney |
| ACCESS: Assisting Communities to Connect to Electric Sustainable Sources |
| Forum Nazionale Agricoltura Sociale |
| Casa dei Beni Comuni |
| Braemar Community Hydro |
| Braemar social care project |
| Laggan Forest Trust |
| NEL (Netzwerk Existenzgründung in der Landwirtschaft) |
| Diffused hotel of Pentedattilo |
| Rural Hub - Incubator for agriculture -based initiatives |
| ARCHE NOAH - Preserving and Developing the Diversity of Cultivated Plants |
| Adelwöhrerhof |
| SlowFood |
| CampiAperti – Open Fields |
| Community woodland Llais y Goedwig |
| Vazapp |
| Association Citaa' Futura |
| Montagne Firoentine Model Forest (FMMF) |
| Federatie Landbouw en Zorg - Network Care farming |
| Recartografías |
| Plataforma Forestal Valenciana |
| Birnam Arts Centre |
| ZeitBank55+ |
| Blue Bees |
| Konnu Smart Work Centre |
| Skylark Foundation |
| Participatory Guarantee Systems |
| Hortas Sociais do Bispo - Social Agriculture @ESAC |
| Korenika - organic social farm |
| Consortium of social cooperatives NCO (Nuova Cooperazione Organizzata) |
| A box of sea |
| EconoMountain |
| Mosaico project |
| Burrenbeo Trust |
| Rural HUB |
| Terraviva: economic and environmental restoration of terraced landscapes in Antrona Valley |
| Artel 13: Encouraging local agricultural produce and local services consumption through revitalizing old houses in a depopulated rural mountain area |
| Sopotniki (cotravellers) |
| LAMO - New ideas for marginal mountain areas. Participation labs of students and communities |
| Oglarska dežela - Charcoal Land Initiative |
| ARDAC - Assisting Reforestation and forest Development Activities in partnership with local Communities |
| Crowdfunding & Matchfunding for Social Innovation Projects |
| Acacias for all |
| Nawaya |
| Tasuleasa Social |
| Mazi Farm |
| bio&co |
| The Ludgate Hub |
| Network of sustainability initiatives in Transylvania |
| L’Atelier Paysan |
| Torth y Tir – Loaf of the land |
| Paraisos Slow: Poetry-based free tours in rural areas |
| Land Stewardship Networks |
| Prospero Association - Sustainable Social Enterprise |
| La Milpa - collective garadening |
| Good4Trust |
| Social Farming Ireland |