SIMRA Innovation Actions


Innovation Actions (IAs) will enable that relevant actors in marginal rural areas test and exploit their potential for social innovation, with the aim of realizing impacts in the territory and the market, in businesses, investments opportunities and in building capacity within local governments. In the demonstration sites, depending on the context and specific actions, Innovation Actions will include the organization of periodic networking events to encourage interested actors to present, learn about, discuss and initiate innovative inter-sectorial actions for rural development; the creation of market places (physical and virtual) for social innovation projects; and the start up or establishment of new networks amongst local actors.

This part of the project will start during Summer 2017 with the selection of the IAs, their planning and feasibility assessment. The implementation of the Innovation Actions will start from early 2018 onwards.

Innovation Actions are listed below:

N. Innovative actions Location Field, type Implementer
1 Implementing a land banking initiative in Olba Gúdar-Javalambre, Teruel, Spain Agriculture, Forestry EFI
2 Assisting socially disadvantaged women in developing successful business initiatives Lancashire and Cumbria, UK Rural Development ULANC
3 Economic Empowerment of Women in Deir El Ahmar Deir el Ahmar, Bekaa Region, Lebanon Agriculture, Rural Development Seeds-int
4 Supporting the socio-entrepreneurial potential of local young people Valbelluna, Italy Agriculture, Forestry, Rural Development ETIFOR
5 Community participation for forest value and human wellbeing in the Solsonès County, Lleida (Spain). Lleida, Spain Agriculture, Forestry, Rural Development FORECO
6 Norwegian Trekking Associations (DNT) role in integrating immigrants in rural marginalised areas of Norway Gudbrandsdalen, Norway Rural Development ØF/ENRI
7 VALAB (Integrated Ecosystemic value-enhancement of the Guadeloupe Forest Agrobiodiversity) – Guadeloupe, France Guadeloupe, France Forestry HUTTON