Udny Community Trust Community Wind Turbine
Environmental sustainability, Improvement of services / infrastructures
A wholly community owned wind turbine under the Udny Community Turbine Company (i.e. a trading subsidiary). The wind turbine was installed in 2011 and continues to generate income for the Udny community. The funds from the turbine are distributed via Udny Community Trust Company to help deliver community projects and initiatives in the Udny area.
Sharing / Commons
Local Community
Funds are now available for wider community events with the establishment of two grant programmes, small projects under £500 and large projects over £500. The projects are supported under five main aims, community action, community organisations, charitable support, environmental action and community health and wellbeing. In relation to the community there is now a greater sense of confidence as the development has been achieved and is developing funds that can be fed back into the community.
* Information at the level of NUTS 3 or local regions.