This new collection of essays highlights how given Alpine territories in Austria, Italy, and Switzerland
are currently facing challenges imposed by migration, the barriers and limitations they are encountering, and the extent to which migration triggers policy and territorial innovations that can generate beneficial impacts for both migrants and local inhabitants.Continue reading
2020 Bratislava Conference on Earth System Governance
It is our great pleasure to announce that our partner CETIP in collaboration with SLOVAKGLOBe (joint workplace of Slovak Academy of Sciences and Slovak University of Technology) will host next Earth System Governance conference in Bratislava, September 15 – 17, 2020.Continue reading
Highlights of the Seminar on Social Innovations in Rural Regions
Around 70 persons from practice, administration, NGOs, research joined the seminar of BAB with the topic “Social Innovations in Rural Regions”, celebrated at the Austrian Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Rural and Mountain Research in Vienna on 7 November 2019.Continue reading
A better future – The strive of every women in rural areas
Jana Al Ayadi, a cooperative of rural women, moving from traditional to modern production, introducing the way for a healthier, natural food. It only takes special people to cook, unique women to innovate.Continue reading
Innovation inspiration at a SIMRA workshop in Solsona
In September, CTFC and FORECO hosted an event for the SIMRA project in which local actors had the chance to explain their experiences and discuss how to best implement initiatives that work in rural settings. Carmen Rodríguez reflects on the process.Continue reading
A new SIMRA brochure of inspiring examples of social innovation in forestry now available!
A new SIMRA brochure “From science to social innovation: connecting forests and people” aims at showcasing the diversity of social innovations based upon case studies associated with forestry. These results are extracted from the 2019 Special Issue of the scientific journal Forest Policy and Economics “‘Social Innovation to Increase the Well-Being of Forest-Dependent Communities and Promote Sustainability in Remote Rural Areas”.Continue reading
Revitalising rural areas thanks to village bistros: A practice guide from Massif Central
In rural areas, in particular in the most remote ones, bistros and cafes are places for local communities to meet but most of them also provide services and organise cultural events. The French government announced in September new measures to be implemented within its rural agenda, including the support to local shops and bistros. Starting such an activity from scratch is however far from being easy. A practice guide, produced by the Network of Natural Parks of Massif Central, gives you all the keys for success to build a vibrant place for a territory and its inhabitants.Continue reading
The importance of social innovation for Smart Villages development in the Alps
On May 23rd and 24th, 2019, the Italian region of Valle d’Aosta hosted a conference on “Smart Villages – a common perspective through different visions” in the Alps.Continue reading
SIMRA at the ESRS 2019 Congress- Exploring the role of social innovation driving transformations in rural areas
The XXVIII European Society for Rural Sociology Congress took place in June in Trondheim (Norway), and SIMRA was very present with the coordination of a Working Group, a dedicated session, and several presentations by a group of members of the team.
Diana Valero (Perth College-UHI) was the leading convenor of the WG 11 – ‘Social innovation and social farming as drivers of transformations and changes in rural areas’. The WG aimed to explore the understanding of social innovation in general and social farming in particular as drivers of rural change: from examining how concrete examples of social innovation transform social practices in agriculture, forestry, and rural development to discussing the deeper meanings that those changes may have in different socio-cultural contexts. With 5 sessions and more than 20 proposals, the participation in the WG was remarkably successful, which indicates the interest that social innovation and social farming are raising in rural studies.
The first session of the WG was exclusively dedicated to SIMRA, starting with a general presentation of the project by Diana Valero, which was followed by presentations on different research themes developed by the partnership. Kamini Vicentini (University of Padova) talked about the development of the evaluation framework, which raised lots of interest from the audience. Alice Ludvig (BOKU) talked about policies for social innovation and drew on examples from social farming. And finally, Diana Valero spoke about the diversity of social innovation in rural areas and presented results of the latest analysis conductedon the examples in the SIMRA database of examples of social innovation.
The rest of the working sessions were dedicated to other approaches to social innovation in rural areas, and the participants had the opportunity to hear from other H2020 projects working on related topics. Different perspectives ofsocial farming were the mainfocus of discussionin the last sessions of the WG. Verena Gramm (EURAC) presented results from the SIMRA Case Study ‘Learning-Growing-Living with women farmers in South Tyrol, reflecting on the impacts of this social innovation in the wellbeing of women farmers.
Also, our colleague Manfred Perlik (University of Berne) gave a presentation in WG 30 about social innovations in mountain areas hosting refugees drawing on work also developed in SIMRA.
The work done in WG11 triggered the development of interesting discussions and reflections on the role of social innovation and social farming as drivers of transformation in rural areas and how it can be incentivised and monitored. In particular, a fruitful dialogue was established with the group of experts co-convening the group and who are focused on studying the development of social farming in Poland. The cooperation and dialogue established between SIMRA and other researchers working on similar topics in diverse geographies enriches the work developed in SIMRA and enhances the knowledge exchange in this field and ultimately contributes to the development of social innovation in rural Europe.

How to foster social farming in mountain areas?
On June 25, 2019, the Care-T-Farms project organised a conference in Brussels on “Social Agriculture and Care Farm: Work opportunity, Social Partnership and Inclusion”. Care-T-Farms is an Erasmus + programme, encouraging the use of farms as places promoting positive mental and physical health and wellbeing.Continue reading