SIMRA partners and members of the Scientific Advisory Board gathered in Athens from 10th to 12th June 2019 for a productive annual project meeting and the third General Assembly, hosted by the ICRE8 research centre.
With less than one year left until the end of the project, partners focused on the steps needed to finalise the tools they created. These included a set of indicators to evaluate social innovation in rural areas, the analysis of the data collected in the case studies and Innovation Actions, and the emerging policy recommendations to be included in SIMRA’s policy and practice guides.
This meeting was an opportunity to share exciting news such as the appearance of SIMRA examples in the new parliamentary report “The professional status of rural women in the EU”, and to plan the timing of our final conference. So, save-the-date, SIMRA will be organising its final event in Brussels, during the week of the 17th of February 2019!
SIMRA’s final conference will provide a forum for rural innovators from across Europe and beyond, and will be an opportunity for you to (re)discover some examples from our database and collections of good practices.
In the meantime, stay tuned for our upcoming publications, such as a brochure of good practices on innovative forestry management, and our events – join us in the SIMRA activities at the ISIRC conference in Glasgow in September 2019!